Oak Tree Manor is decreasing energy bills and promoting environmental sustainability in the community for decades to come.

Oak Tree Manor Retirement Home, Nanaimo

February 11, 2022

Located on the east coast of Vancouver Island, Oak Tree Manor is an independent living facility for seniors in Nanaimo. The Oak Tree Manor management group had been investigating solar energy systems for some time, acknowledging the increased quality of the investment. Once they discussed the design and building options with Hakai, they knew they were ready to pursue a roof-top solar PV installation.

Hakai Energy Solutions designed a roof-mounted grid-tied solar energy system with a total system capacity of 48.43kW. With maximum solar panel capacity achieved, the system comprised (87) 435W and (29) 365W solar modules. This system is estimated to produce up to 50,850kWh per year. Based on annual electricity usage from previous years, the solar system will offset roughly 14% of Oak Tree Manor’s electrical demands. Now that the system has been commissioned, Oak Tree Manor has the ability to generate its own electricity, decreasing energy bills while promoting environmental sustainability in the community.

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